Let’s get the trams across to Britomart
Trams are back in the news of late. Auckland Transport planners theorise that Light Rail is the best option for future rail to the airport. I disagree with that (which you might find surprising...
Trams are back in the news of late. Auckland Transport planners theorise that Light Rail is the best option for future rail to the airport. I disagree with that (which you might find surprising...
The 1st November will be the 4th anniversary of the beginning of Auckland’s new ‘super city’ council. Much was promised when the seven former territorial local authorities and the Auckland Regional Council were disbanded/amalgamated...
Now that the dust is settling on the rather tumultuous events of the 2014 General Election – Labour’s worst performance in 92 years – and with the resignation – well sort of – of...
I find it an intriguing aspect of modern democratic societies – where power is contested by two major rival parties – that the closer their policies get, the more bitter and rancorous their political...
This month we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War of 1914-18. I have been aware of this approaching anniversary for time now and helped set up a special committee...
Last month, we learned from Bernard Orsman of the NZ Herald of leaked proposals to build two, three-storey office and car park buildings at the Quay Street end of Queens Wharf. This month the...
The National government has announced the end of its assets sales programme, which on the face of it should bring to a close New Zealand’s shameful era of privatization – of country selling. While...
Nikita goes to Hollywood – Movie Reviews (Hollywood adds new meaning to the term Theatres of War) by Mike Lee I first wrote this article in early 2002 in the NZ Political Review. Its...
It’s been a long time coming, and believe me, it wasn’t easy getting there, but Auckland’s new electric trains have now entered service – opening a new era in Auckland’s history. While Wellington’s rail...
It is an honour to be with you today, 20 years after the establishment of the Kokako Management Area in the Hunua Ranges, to share in the celebration of your great achievement. As we...