Author: Mike Lee

Look out! ‘Long Hauler’ leaves ARC Station 0

Look out! ‘Long Hauler’ leaves ARC Station

The ARC Transport & Urban Development made another small piece of rail history yesterday by formally backing a novel rail initiative – something we are calling the ‘Long Hauler’.  This came out of an...


No Sell-Out Of Our Port!

ARC Group success underscores why Auckland’s publicly owned Port must not be privatised  The ARC Group (ARC, ARH and ARTA) has had an extremely successful period chalking up major strategic achievements.  On top of the political successes of...


Welcome Speech for the Korean Navy

Anyeong hashimnigga, iarobun Aucklandé oshin kozui.  Hanyeong hamnida   I wish to acknowledge Mr. Young-geol Kim, Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Auckland; Captain Dean McDougall, Captain Fleet Operational Support RNZN; Mr. Jim Newman,...

China Visit 9 -19 July 0

China Visit 9 -19 July

My private holiday in China – mainly because of the Queens Wharf crisis proved to be more of a working holiday than I had originally anticipated.  In fact at one stage I seriously considered...