Author: Mike Lee


‘Navigators & Naturalists’ – the book

Next year 2019 will be the 250th anniversary of the visit to New Zealand of James Cook and the Endeavour. No doubt, any commemoration will be accompanied by controversy and debate but hopefully the...


The fight for the Waitemata waterfront

The news of another waterfront stadium, this one to be sunk in the harbour is the latest in a long list of controversial waterfront developments proposed or under way. The real estate consortium pushing...

My submission before Auckland Council’s independent commissioners against ‘Healthy Waters’ discharge of sewage into the harbour 0

My submission before Auckland Council’s independent commissioners against ‘Healthy Waters’ discharge of sewage into the harbour

BEFORE THE INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONERS ON BEHALF OF AUCKLAND COUNCIL                                                                       IN THE MATTER                            of s88 of the Resource Management Act 1991  AND IN THE MATTER of                       Application BUN60319388 by Healthy Waters, Auckland Council for resource consents for the...