Mike Lee – the manifesto
As your elected Councillor, I will work to:
- Make sure the people of Ponsonby, Grey Lynn, Freemans Bay, St Marys Bay, Herne Bay, Westmere, Arch Hill, Newton, Central City, Waiheke, Great Barrier, Rakino, Ponui, Rotoroa, Pakatoa, Motuihe, Motutapu, Rangiahua, Mahuki, Little Mahuki and Motu Kaikoura have a strong voice at the top table
- Protect our environment and enhance our quality of life
- Invest in the public transport Auckland needs
- Keep Supercity admin costs and rates under control
- Protect our unique built heritage
- Oppose further harbour reclamations
- Champion marine reserves in the Hauraki Gulf

‘For the people’. The signs go up. Hard working campaign volunteers, Left to right Jon Reeves, Pater Nabor and Nick Corlett.
Outspoken, hardworking, independent Mike Lee delivers

Gulf conservationist – Mike is a founding and now emeritus member of the Motuihe Trust and an active member of the Motu Kaikoura Trust
Mike Lee has a track record of public service and delivering on his commitments both in the Super city and prior to that, Auckland Regional Council (ARC). As chairman of the ARC:
- Mike achieved a major expansion of our much-loved Regional Parks network, including superb new coastal regional parks
- A champion of public transport, Mike won government funding for Auckland’s rail electrification and the reopening of the Onehunga rail line, new stations and rolling stock, championed the City Rail Link
- Fighting for public ownership. Mike saved the Ports from privatisation in the 1990s and in 2006 ensured the company and its profits were 100% publicly owned.
- Mike Lee the revitalisation of the Auckland waterfront, beginning urban renewal of the Wynyard waterfront and the place-shaping waterfront trams, and opening Queens Wharf to the public after it had been locked away for 90 years.
As an Auckland Councillor and six years director of Auckland Transport Mike
- Supported Mayor Len Brown in winning support from fellow councillors and the government for the City Rail Link
- Oversaw the successful electrification of Auckland rail
- Spoke out against PT fare increases and AT’s high admin costs
- Championed a rail link to Auckland Airport
- Fought hard for better protection of our heritage townscapes and heritage buildings and opposed wholesale ‘up zoning’ in the Unitary Plan
- Played a leading role in the purchase of Great Barrier’s Glenfern Sanctuary both as the local councillor and member of the government Nature Heritage Fund committee
- Proposed and obtained funding for the eradication of rats from Rakitu Island in the outer Hauraki Gulf
- Achieved the establishment of Motukorea/Browns Island as Auckland’s latest regional park. A long-term project Mike began in 1995
- Achieved in 2017 the establishment of the Parnell Heritage Station. A project Mike initiated in 2007.
- With the local communities, St Mary’s Bay Assn, Herne Bay Residents Assn & the Gables fought against the St Mary’s Bay combined sewer line and instead successfully argued for the separation of sewage and stormwater.
- Successfully lobbied Watercare to extend the new Central Interceptor pipeline to Grey Lynn
- Working with the Central City Residents and Parnell Community Committee in support of Urban Auckland in the Environment Court against so-called ‘dolphins’ off Queens Wharf
- Opposed Council’s support of Ports of Auckland 100m wharf extensions into the harbour and currently a s274 party in the Environment Court opposing Council, Panuku and Ports of Auckland so-called ‘dolphins’ off Queens Wharf.
- Initiated eco-management in the Auckland Domain to bring back native birds to the inner city.